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Week 2: One Room Challenge

mirrors, faucets and irritation… Oh My!

We’re at week two out of eight for the One Room Challenge and we need to give the scoop on where things have landed. First, let’s quickly talk about the schmood (mood) of this bathroom.

It’s a schmoodIt’s a schmood

It’s a schmood

The Mood

The Mood: It’s a guest bathroom whose primary user is a teenybopper aka my daughter whom I affectionately refer to as “The Girl”. We needed to find something having a healthy balance between mom approved (because hey, I’m the one doing this DIY work) and likability for an evolving teenager. With all this said, let’s jump into some of the design aesthetic for what has been added to the Captain’s Log : Bathroom Update aka GuesTeen Bath Project.

First up, we tackled what The Girl gave her okay on for a shower curtain. I wanted a Black and White shower curtain, but she said it looked too much like a cow and as she put it, “that’s not my vibe”. What does she know about a “vibe”?! Lol… these kids, I tell ya! After about an hour of scrolling on Amazon, we landed on and agreed to abstract. Trust me when I say, we have been in consultation mode -meaning we’re over here lovingly butting heads, then compromising down the line. Here are a few of the options we scrolled pass before agreeing on the final one shown.


The Drama aka Faucets

The Drama aka Faucets: At first, I was going to hire a plumber to handle the faucet on the vanity. However, I realized that I would need said plumber to come back after faucet removal because I’m also doing an epoxy atop the vanity. Stay tuned for that! If you haven’t already subscribed to the blog and want to be FIRST TO KNOW and FIRST TO SEEhit the Subscribe Now button below honey dip! Then come on back to get the rest of these deets.

Now back to the faucet… It has taken me all of 3 dag-gum days to get the 4 parts off -that’s top and bottom of each of the water hose’s connections. Two connected to the water valve and two connected to the piece leading to the faucet. BUT THEY ARE OFF!


After finally getting those removed, there remains the plastic pieces holding the faucet in place beneath the undermount. I am convinced


…and put them on with pride because they are ON ON! Since they’re plastic, I’m afraid of breaking them with my basin wrench. This is another stay tuned moment because at this point my hands are sore, my back hurts from the awkward positioning of my body under the sink, and I’m simply frustrated. More in my IG stories as we progress. In the meantime, here’s a pic of the replacement faucet.

The Mirror

The Mirror: After getting over the fear of removing the builder’s grade mirror glued to the bathroom’s wall, we had to mirror shop. But before the shopping could officially begin, the now mirror-less area needed to be prepped, which meant a visit on over to good ole YouTube University! In a separate blog post, I’ll share the steps I took to remedy the wall after mirror removal. For now, let’s get to the best part… SHOPPING!

The Girl and I had to come to an agreement on what mirror would be used for the GuesTeen Project. You can check out our reel on insta to see how that moment went for us. I think she thinks she’s now a design consultant after watching a few episodes of My Dream Home. Nevertheless, we’ve made an agreed upon decision. After painting and doing all the things, we’ll be ready to hang the mirror.

Searching for our new mirrorSearching for our new mirror

Searching for our new mirror

Next up, and to offer a better distraction there’s going to be some MORE painting taking place. I’ll share those results here on the blog first in Week 3 of the One Room Challenge. Hint: there’s wall art involved. That’s all I’m saying for now. Don’t forget to subscribe…which means there’s a button conveniently placed for you to Subscribe.

Removed Builder’s Grade MirrorRemoved Builder’s Grade Mirror

Removed Builder’s Grade Mirror

See other One Room Challenge participants and featured designers: www.oneroomchallenge.com/orc-blog.

Media Sponsor: Better Homes and Gardens

Until we meet again… Live In Color ♡︎

Ya Girl Kim!

Instagram Avenue @relaunchincolor