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Pursue 2022

Here’s what I’m pursuing in 2022…

Where has the year gone!? It feels like I’ve blinked my eyes and what do you know… it’s Happy New Year ringing through the air -with the prayer that this New Year will be far better than the last!

One Word

My one word to live out loud for 2022 is Pursue. On the list is the pursuit to take on more DI-trY projects throughout my home. Here are the projects aka Captain’s Logs I’m hoping you’ll join me for executing in the upcoming year over on my Instagram page @kholmes_incolor.

Project List

  • Laundry Room – I shared on Instagram that my wash machine and dryer are both on their last leg. This project obviously made the list due to circumstance.

  • Sanctuary – I want a space in my home, that’s not my bedroom; and that is dedicated to relaxation, serenity, books and meditation.

  • Cozy nook/ catch all -not exactly a mudroom but definitely a spot for our stuff when coming inside. Since the laundry room is so small and narrow, we definitely could use a well-organized designated area. I also want to create a little more storage because we’re short on these types of spaces in this house (le sigh).

  • Closets -teenybopper and my bedroom closet need an upgrade aka more storage. There’s also some real estate I want to maximize.

  • Flooring – I have no intentions of laying wood floors nor doing the carpet in the bedrooms, but it’s going on the list because it’s a part of the design/update process. Though I say I have no intentions, this may depend on cost to determine if this is going to become a DI-trY!

  • Garage -At the beginning of December, I did a minor garage organization by building a shelf for STORAGE and to get things a little bit more orderly. Now, I would like to take the garage up a notch and build a workbench as well as paint and add more shelving.

  • Leaving room for some simple DIYs as well – Moulding on the walls; some painting; a few outdoor projects and a whole bunch of trips to the tool supply store.


Have you seen the overall theme here? STORAGE! My home is extremely low on storage, so I definitely want to have something that is DIY friendly and stylish!

These projects are fairly big ones for me. Since I will be doing the bulk of the work by myself, I’ve already accepted that everything may not get done this year. I mean have you seen my IG stories when I redid my daughter’s bathroom. There were quite a few challenges, but even more victories were achieved! The plan is to do what adds more value -to my home’s bottom line (i.e. property value) and more importantly adds value to my peace of mind.

Let’s plan to have some fun in this season of genuine lifestyling and DIYing – or more like DI-trYing!

Ya Girl, Kim!

Instagram Avenue @relaunchincolor